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5 Link Building Tactics You Probably Don’t Use But Should

The end of the year saw a couple of remarkable ultimate link building lists; so I see no reason to add my own. Instead I decided to describe a few highly effective, not yet overused and quite original link building techniques you might have never used before.

1. Start anti-smth online campaign and offer badges. The hotter the topic, the better. Example: do you remember last year’s buzz around RipOFFReport.com marketing model? How smart that was of Distilled to start "get rid of ripoffreport from the SERPS" campaign with wonderful badges.

2. Link back to highly popular (official) blogs that publish trackbacks. The trackbacks don’t have to be ‘dofollow’. What is more important is that many journalists and bloggers monitor those trackbacks for interesting ideas and varying opinions. That’s how a guest post at my blog once got the New York Times quote – it linked to official Google blog entry that published tarckbacks.

3. Provide testimonials for industry products you use. Choose a tool you’d be curious to test (or already using), check if its site has a separate section for testimonials and that it links to the authors and send them a message with a well-put detailed testimonial.

Or a similar tactic: find a startup that has "News" section and review it at your site. If you still fail to get a link from them, drop them a line mentioning your review and asking for a link.

4. It is easier to build links based on something than from scratch. Find sites and blogs that have already mentioned (either with a link back or not) your site and develop relations with them.

Quick tip: search Yahoo [yourdomain.com -linkdomain:yourdomain.com] for places that mention you but but dont link back.

5. Pitch local online newspapers and local blogs: they are much quicker to respond and much more willing to cover your resource and link back.

Category SEO
Ann Smarty Brand amd Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas

Ann Smarty is the blogger and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. Ann’s expertise in blogging and tools serve as ...