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6 Free Google Docs Every SEO Needs To Have

6 Free Google Docs Every SEO Needs To Have

One of my favorite parts of being in the online marketing community is how people within the community are so generous in sharing tips, strategies, and tools to do your job better.

A common way that a lot of online marketers use to build helpful tools is Google Documents. Using Google Docs is ideal because it’s free, flexible, and easy to share with others.  Hopefully with these documents you will help you to work more efficiently as they have for more life.

Hundreds Of  Tools For Marketers

annie cushing

By  Annie Cushing 

(Link to document)

Document Summary: Do you wish that you could have an organized list of nearly every tool for keyword research, seo analysis, competitive analysis and many more sections. Annie has done the amazing task of creating this list that I go to first when I’m looking for a tool to tackle a new task or problem.

SEER Interactive SEO Toolbox

Chris Le Photo

by Chris Le

Link to document )

Document Summary: Now that you’ve seen how  many tools and the amount of information that is available the problem isn’t obtaining the data. Instead the problem is finding a way to aggregate all of this information into one place and be to understand it. This is what makes Chris’s tool great because it allows you to pull data from SEOmoz, Google Analytics, Twitter, and more into one Google Document.

Ultimate Link Building Query Generator

Stoked SEO

by Stoked SEO

( Link to document )

Document Summary: For most SEO’s,  link prospecting begins with a string of search operators that will hopefully retrieve you  the best possible opportunities of sites to work with. What I like to do is test a few of these queries and if the initial results are good I will put them into the Link Prospector tool to effectively scale the prospecting.

Content Strategy Generator Tool


by SEO Gadget

Link to document )

Document Summary: I often get stuck brainstorming content ideas when dealing with industries that I am not familiar with. With this document I can see what is popular and being talked about right now across several different types of sites, which often leads to inspiration of what I should do.

Managing Projects in Google Docs

Alex Moss

By Alex Moss

( Link to document )

Document Summary: This post and document really expanded my mind on how much a Google Document could help in managing and running a clients projects. The tutorial over at SEOmoz is very well done.

Find Local Nearby Locations

James Agate


By James Agate

( Link to document )

Document Summary: Here is a tool that is so simple but is really helpful when dealing with states or countries that I am not familiar with. James explained that when they target media outlets for the big cities that they were not as receptive as those from smaller surrounding cities.

For example reaching out to Phoenix media outlets could be a lot more difficult then connecting with outlets for other Arizona cities like Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria, etc.

Did I miss any? What are your favorites?

This is a list of some of the Google Docs that I have found extremely useful, but I know there must be more. What docs have you created or used to help you do your job more efficiently.

Look forward to hearing your comments and feedback.

Category SEO Tools
Benjamin Beck Local Stampede

Benjamin Beck is an online marketing consultant with an emphasis in SEO & Local Search. Benjamin is currently writing a ...