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6 SEO Scams you Need to Check while Hiring an SEO Company

Have you come across so called SEO experts saying they guarantee complete success for you and your company? Well, you might have. In fact, there are hundreds of such people who may or may not guarantee your total online success but for sure they guarantee taking away your hard earned money without doing much!


Don’t forget to do your homework about the company you are going to hire for search engine optimisation and check out some of the points where you need to be cautious. Be sure you don’t hire somebody with unreasonably high claims.

We offer Free of Cost Services

In such tough economic times, can you really believe anyone to be providing you with free of cost services? Sounds unbelievable, right? Yes, it is unbelievable. There can be special rebates once in a while or low pricing or perhaps one odd service offered for free along with other services for which you’ll be charged but the entire services for free is nothing but a scam. One who claims to be doing this for you must be doing this only to get access to your information and other details and there is no other way at all.

We Guarantee First Page Ranking

Nobody can guarantee this. The top ranking of any site actually depends on the traffic that comes to that site. And nobody on earth can guarantee traffic to your site. One can surely work upon it help you get visibility and exposure leading to better traffic but surely there’s nothing like a complete guarantee.

We Submit your Site to Hundreds of Search Engines

This is again a foolish claim to make and if you believe in it, surely you’re letting them make a fool of you. First of all, how many people use those hundreds of search engines? Second, do you really know if 100 search engines really exist and if they do are they useful? Will your audience ever use those 100 search engines? The one simple and straight forward answer to this question is “No.” Nobody uses more than 3 or 4 search engines. And your site doesn’t need submission in more than these 2 or 3 popular search engines. Simply ask the company you’re planning to hire to make a list of at least 10 of the popular search engines to which they claim to submit your site.

We have Great Connections. We know somebody working at Google!

This is an absolute lie, a real scam. Not every company can ever have so called “connections” at the search engine giant like Google. And even if somebody has such connections, the person at the Google will never get associated in any kind of fraudulent keeping their jobs at stakes just to get some sites with better online positioning.

We are Google Algorithm Experts

Google Algorithms are complex things to understand. And when it comes to the algorithms used for SEO purposes they are not only complex but are also very dynamic in nature and keep changing from time to time. It is fine to know a lot about certain parts of it but it is absolutely impossible to be an expert of the entire thing. If somebody is claiming this, he’s simply trying to fool you.

We have Secret Formula for SEO Success

To be really successful in SEO, one just needs to make right efforts and work with right focus from the beginning to the end. And there is no secret in it. If somebody says they use secret formula, they are either using unethical means or are simply trying to get your attention and nothing more than that.

So, avoid getting search engine optimisation services from a company selling scams and don’t let any scammer make a fool of you.

Category SEO
Jaydeep Dosi Technical Director at Adaptative

Jaydeep Dosi is the Technical Director of Adaptative Info Solutions. Adaptative is leading web design & development, mobile applications and ...