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9 WordPress Plugins You Need

As a WordPress enthusiast, guru, and lover, I use plugins every single day and am constantly researching new plugins — even creating plugins.

These are the top 9 plugins that I’m in love with. Check them out and see if they’re a great fit for you.

  1. MobilePress – This plugin is unique because it’s the only one of its kind that I can find. It “mobile-izes” your site to fit the iPhone, the Blackberry, and any other mobile device.
  2. Nice Search – This plugin turns your /?s={query} into /search/{query} which is a) more search friendly and b) easier to type, I feel. I use it quite often on my own site and it’s just really easy to use. A simple, yet effective plugin.
  3. Viper’s Video Quicktags – This plugin gives you the flexibility to integrate videos into your posts. While the default embed code will work, this plugin gives you the flexibility to manage your videos on a larger scale — site wide, rather than on a post by post basis.
  4. RSS Footer – This plugin lets you easily add a line below each post in the RSS. Whether it’s an advertisement or a simply copyright notice, it’s great because you don’t need to do anything extra to get it working — just activate, add your line that you want, and you’re done.
  5. Feed Footer – Wanting to run up to 10 different ads in each post via RSS? Now you can! This plugin is great for rotating various ads via your RSS footer. This plugin is similar to RSS Footer, but it will let you specify up to 10 different messages/ads.
  6. SEO Slugs – This plugin let’s you focus on writing, not making sure every aspect of your post is SEO friendly. In short, this plugin will strip words like “a”, “you”, “what” or “can” from the permalinks of your post, since those keywords are ignored by search engines.
  7. No Self Pings – There is one major item that really bugs me about WordPress. When you link to yourself using the full URI, WordPress will “ping” itself notifying another post that you wrote about it. My view: if I want to show that, I will make it happen. I do not like self pings at all, so I have No Self Pings activated to prevent this from happening.
  8. Subscribe to Comments – This plugin is something that ought to be part of the WordPress core, honestly. It will give your visitors the ability to subscribe to the comments of a specific post after they leave their own comment. This is great for when you want to be notified of new comments which may be an answer to your question or you just want to hear what other people have to say about that post.
  9. WP Super Cache – This plugin is, well, a life saver. Whenever you get “dugg”, “stumbled” or “slashdotted”, this plugin will let you serve every single visitor instead of having your server crash [and lose out on a ton of traffic]. WordPress still does not have an amazing integrated cache system, so this plugin creates static pages to be served to your visitors. This plugin is a must.

This post was written by Jonathan Dingman, a WordPress-aire. Anything you need from WordPress plugins to WordPress themes, he’s your man to get the job done. Contact him to get a quote or setup a client call.

Category SEO