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Google Crawling Javascript Links with Clean URLs

Google Crawling Javascript Links with Clean URLs

Well, if Yahoo can crawl and index links surrounded by “no follow” command, then Google is going to have to do something just as crazy to throw a wrench into the world of SEO, links, and text advertising.

Barry Schwartz points out on SERoundtable that the GoogleBot is now crawling Javascript with “clean” URLs:

I have been noticing a patters of posts where more and more people are claiming that Google is posting JavaScript forms… Basically, if you have a clean URL in the JavaScript, GoogleBot will try to explore that URL.

Barry points to this thread in WebmasterWorld called Googlebot Now Executing Javascript?

I have a site where I have access to my log files and very good web stats. As a backup, on this particular site I use a third party javascript counter on the site (there’s javascript code that I put on the page and when a real human with a browser executes that javascript code it records the data).

The thing is, today (in fact about 30 minutes ago), googlebot just visited the site apparently. In other words, “googlebot” just executed javascript. What’s also weird is that I think this wasn’t someone “acting” like googlebot since there’s no web browser or other signs that it was using a browser to view the site.

Is googlebot now executing javascript?

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...