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A New Updated SEO Analysis Tool by SEO Workers

A New Updated SEO Analysis Tool by SEO Workers

SEO Workers have recently had some really exciting news to share: besides spotting a new awesome look, they have updated their really useful SEO Analysis Tool.

I have shared the tool in plenty of my overviews and tutorials including posts on page keyword prominence research and on-site SEO evaluation in action. This is why I am so excited by the update.

The tool is now much more usable and also has some new cool features you will find very useful.

SEO Analysis Tool Features

For any page you provide, the tool will allow you to:

  • Analyze the HTTP headers returned from the web server;
  • Analyze the length and relevancy of the Title tag;
  • Analyze the length and relevancy of the Description meta tag;
  • Analyze the number of keywords and relevancy of the Keywords meta tag;
  • Analyze the Robots meta tag directives and if search engines are allowed to spider the page;
  • Check the page most relevant keywords and/or keyphrases;
  • Check how the page may be displayed within search engine results;
  • Check the internal and external URLs (links) found on the page, and if are followed or not;
  • Check the keywords found in the Anchor tags (links);
  • Check the keywords found in the image Alt attributes;
  • Check the page Heading and Phrase elements.

Each section is enhanced by detailed explanation and even video instructions and recommendations.

Here are a few screenshots of the features I myself find especially useful:

See the list of the page most frequently-used three-word keyphrases (see how many times the phrase was found on the page, its density and search instantly any of them using Google yahoo and Bing):

Three Word Keyphrases - SEO Analysis Tool

See keywords found in the anchor tags:

Keywords Found in the Anchor Tags

See keywords found in image Alt Attributes:

Keywords Found in Image Alt Attributes

See the list of page headings:

Page headings - SEO Analysis Tool

The tool is very useful and saves time immensely. So check it out and let me know what you think!

# Analyze the HTTP headers returned from the web server;

#                 Analyze the length and relevancy of the Title tag;

#                 Analyze the length and relevancy of the Description meta tag;

#                 Analyze the number of keywords and relevancy of the Keywords meta tag;

#                                 Analyze the Robots meta tag directives and if search engines are allowed to spider the page;

#                                 Check the page most relevant keywords and/or keyphrases;

#                                 Check how the page may be displayed within search engine results;

#                                 Check the internal and external URLs (links) found on the page, and if are followed or not;

#                 Check the keywords found in the Anchor tags (links);

#                                 Check the keywords found in the image Alt attributes;

#                                 Check the page Heading and Phrase elements.

Category Tools
Ann Smarty Brand amd Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas

Ann Smarty is the blogger and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. Ann’s expertise in blogging and tools serve as ...