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And the Fastest Rising YouTube Search is, “inauguration”

YouTube just released their Year End Top Video Report for 2009 and not surprisingly Susan Boyle’s audition video in Britain’s Got Talent show emerged as the most watched video on YouTube globally and Pitbull’s “I Know You Want Me” tops the the music video category.  But aside from these two, YouTube also published their 2009’s fastest rising search on a monthly basis.Some of the fastest rising search terms are correlated with the most watched videos list. In July for instance, the fastest rising search term was something to do with wedding which is of course pertaining to the JFK Wedding Dance which became an instant hit in that month.

The fastest rising search iterms n each month also pertains to what ever made it to the headlines. So it seems that people checked  out what YouTube has about these news items.

Anyway here are  the rest of the YouTube most watched videos and music videos of 2009 as well as the fastest rising search terms both globally and in the US.

Most Watched YouTube videos (Global):
1. Susan Boyle – Britain’s Got Talent (120+ million views)
2. David After Dentist (37+ million views)
3. JK Wedding Entrance Dance (33+ million views)
4. New Moon Movie Trailer (31+ million views)
5. Evian Roller Babies (27+ million views)

Most Watched music videos on YouTube (Global)*:
1. Pitbull “I Know You Want Me” (82+ million views)
2. Miley Cyrus “The Climb” (64+ million views)
3. Miley Cyrus “Party in the U.S.A.” (54+ million views)
4. The Lonely Island “I’m On a Boat” (48+ million views)
5. Keri Hilson “Knock You Down” (35+ million views)

Fastest Rising YouTube search terms by month (Global):
January: inauguration
February: christian bale
March: the climb
April: susan boyle
May: pacquiao vs hatton
June: michael jackson thriller
July: michael jackson
August: usain bolt
September: kanye west
October: paranormal activity
November: bad romance
December: tiger woods

Fastest Rising YouTube search terms by month (U.S.):
January: obama inauguration
February: on a boat
March: watchmen
April: susan boyle
May: pacquiao
June: michael jackson thriller
July: wedding
August: send it on
September: kanye west
October: paranormal activity
November: adam lambert
December: tiger woods

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...