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Bing Announces Completely Revamped Experience For Video Search

Bing Announces Completely Revamped Experience For Video Search

bing video search

Today Bing made an announcement on their blog about upgrades to the user experience of their video search. The announcement promises these upgrades will provide a “completely re-imagined  search experience for video on Bing.”

Ryan Becker and Ting Sun of the Bing Video Search Team describe the new experience:

“Designed from the ground up, the new experience includes streamlined navigation showcasing larger and higher resolution previews so you can quickly browse, discover and view videos on the web. On Bing you can not only find great videos from YouTube, Hulu and Vimeo, but also content from Dailymotion, Vevo, MTV, CBS, MSN and more.”

Upgraded search features include additional search filters, larger video thumbnails, pop-out hover previews, video overlay and improved navigation.

New Search Filters
Bing’s new video search filters allow users to easily sort through video content by date, length, resolution, and source.

Larger Video Thumbnails
Larger thumbnails in Bing video search makes it easier for users to scan through videos by source with the inclusion of the website’s favicon as well as video view counts.

Pop-out Hover Previews
Bing upgraded their preview mode in video search to allow the user to hover over the video thumbnail with their cursor to view a short preview.

Video Overlay and Improved Navigation
Bing video search now allows users to continue browsing through search results while watching a video with their new video overlay feature. To provide the users with better results they have also included a side bar of related videos.

Last month Bing emphasized the unique features of their photo searches, now with these enhancements to their video search it shows that Bing continues to strive to improve the way we search for and find content.

Take their new video search for a spin and let us know what you think in the comments section!

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SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...