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Dosh Dosh : Best Social Media Optimization Blog of 2007

Dosh Dosh : Best Social Media Optimization Blog of 2007

Taking the reign of Best Social Media Optimization Blog of 2007, this year’s winner is a relatively new blog (well, isn’t SMO, SMM kinda new?) by a blogger who has branded himself extremely well not only on his blog, but also in social networks, who goes by the name of Maki.

Dosh Dosh

I admit, what first turned me onto Dosh Dosh was the cute anime girls included in every post, then after reading Maki’s Comprehensive Guide to StumbleUpon, I was hooked.

In what could have been just another “Make Money Online” blog, Dosh Dosh has transformed into a resource on social media, publishing, marketing and branding along with being a Technorati Top 100 blog and enjoying very active commenters. Maki has also infiltrated the search marketing industry with his daily participation on Sphinn and SEO tips which go beyond blogging.

If you do not read Dosh Dosh, subscribe to Maki’s feed now.


Tamar Weinberg’s Techipedia came in at a close second to Dosh Dosh, with a .2% difference in top rating percentage and almost as many votes.

Respectively, Pronet Advertising, Wolf-Howl and StuntDubl pulled in a lot of votes, but not as highly ranked.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...