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Flickr Co-Founders Say Goodbye to Yahoo

If you’re the top honcho of one of the major internet player, and it happens to be your first year anniversary on the job – would you be happy knowing that the men and women who are supposed to greet on this special dare are leaving your company one after the other? Alright, that was a badly conceptualized question. But I couldn’t help but sympathized with Yahoo’s Jerry Yang if only for today which happens to be the first year anniversary in his current post as CEO of Yahoo.

Yesterday we reported that Yahoo YDN EVP Jeff Weiner has bolted out of the Yahoo camp for personal reasons. Then it reports had it that  husband and wife team Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield who co-founded Flickr and later on sold it to Yahoo, has already left Yahoo.

Although these two series of unfortunate resignations may not be related, we couldn’t help but wonder why these people are resigning. And they have to do it at such a bad time for Yahoo?

Hopefully, these people are not in any sort of connivance in trying to drive a point. Hopefully, it has nothing to do with the current dilemma that Yahoo is facing right now. And hopefully, Mr. Yang would have a pleasant time celebrating his first year of being the Yahoo CEO despite all these issues confronting him.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...