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How Links in Gmail Might Be Used in Google Algorithm

The huge (actually the major) part of Google algorithm is a mystery. On the other hand, very often page behavior in Google SERPs cannot be explained with any known factors Google make public.

Those both factors account for a great number of (unconfirmed) theories and elaborations that might be true and are fun to discuss. One such theory is shared below.

I once was asked if links in Google docs (either published or not) can be crawled and taken into account. I did a quick search on Google to see different opinions on this and stumbled across a forum thread sharing people’s experiences on the affect from backlinks posted in Gmail.

In short: People report seeing Gmail links to be used for discovery. The supporting arguments are as follows:

  • Messages in Gmail email are automatically read: the proof is related Google ads shown for each message;
  • With Google owning such a huge database of Internet private conversations, it would be strange if it didn’t take advantage of it in some way or another.

The theory is:

  • Links sent in messages via Gmail may be viewed as some different type of a vote (not a regular “link value” but, say “one email link”);
  • Marking a message containing a link as spam or (on the contrary) clicking the link within the message may also be taken into account as some sort of a signal.

Have you ever noticed links in Gmail influence your page performance? Please share your thoughts!

Category SEO
Ann Smarty Brand amd Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas

Ann Smarty is the blogger and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. Ann’s expertise in blogging and tools serve as ...