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Google Ad Planner Gets New Features, Opens Up to Everyone

Google has just announced that it’s Ad Planner,  a tool which is used by both publishers and advertisers for analyzing user demographics and search behavior that was launched last month is now available to everyone. The Ad Planner is most useful for planning advertising campaign and identifying targeted demographics for search advertising.

Aside from opening up the tool to all users with Google account, the Google Ad Planner has also rolled out some new features to make the tool more useful and profitable for both advertisers and publishers. These new features are:

  • added support feature for search queries and geo-targetting when defining ad audiences’ personal preferences when searching as well as their current location
  • added three new site ranking methods for managing how site results are ranked and displayed which can either be based on sites which are most likely to attract target audience, sites that increase ad campaign scale and a combination of both
  • added an interactive bubble chart which can be used for comparing sites based on their demographics, frequence, traffic and unique visitors. This is most useful for refining ad media plan targetting
  • expanded demographic audience to some more European countries including France, Germany and more.
Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...