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Google Analytics Now Tracks Feed Item Clicks

Google Analytics Now Tracks Feed Item Clicks

Google Analytics has just added AdSense for Feeds and Google Feedburner data to the items it monitors and analyzes. So, if you are using either of the two tools for feed advertising, you can now see how far your ad implementation are doing in terms of item clicks. Google Analytics will even provide you with additional information that may help you understand who Feedburner gives more traffic to your sites.

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If you’re using AdSense for Feeds of Google Feedburner, the new feature will also help you classify links through tagging the source as – “Feedburner”, the medium as the channel by which feeds are sent, that is either as “feed” or “email.” The content of your feeds will of course be classified as the actual endpoint application in which users are viewing your feed contents. This could either be through Google Reader, Yahoo mail and others.  You can see this data on your Google Analytics account under All Traffic Sources view.

If you have enabled item click tracking on your Google Analytics Account, your item URLS are being automatically tagged with the Google Analytics parameters.

If you haven’t sign up for Google Analytics, now is perhaps the best time to do it. Things can get pretty exciting with RSS feed advertising.

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Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...