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Google Book Search Gets 7 New Features

Google Book Search Gets 7 New Features

One of Google’s most ambitious project which also happens to be one of the most controversial – Google Book Search is getting some new features that would make it easier for users to access and use  book titles already in Google’s virtual library.In brief, here are the seven new features of Google Books Search:


1. Embeds and links – Book entries are now treated similar to how YouTube treats videos –  embedable and linkable via HTML snippet that you can easily copy and paste on blogs/sites. Hence, sharing is easier.

2. Better search within each book – search results now display where search terms appear on the book content including a clickable image that would point to the exact location of the search term in the book. In addition search results can now be sorted by relevance.

3. Thumbnails View – gives an overview of all the pages in public domain book or magazine through clickable thumbnail image.

4. Contents drop-down menu – lists chapters of a book or pages in a magazine which users can click to go to specific contents.

5. Plain Text Mode – easier access to HTML  version of public domain books.

6. Page Turn Button and Animation -navigation button at the bottom of the screen that turn pages quickly.

7. Improved Book Overview Page – more relevant book information including reviews, summaries, related books, and more.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...