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Google Chrome, Google’s Web Browser: Is it Real?

Earlier today I came across an article on Google Blogoscoped written by Philipp Lenssen called Google Chrome, Google’s Browser Project. Lenssen cites a series of comic book like illustrations he received in the mail that was drawn up by Scott McCloud.

The post on Blogoscoped highlights a number of features, including:

  • An open source platform including Google Gears integration
  • JavaScript Virtual Machine called V8
  • Special tabbed browsing functionality
  • Autocompleting & search powered address bar (similar to FF3?)
  • Incognito mode where “nothing that occurs in that window is ever logged on your computer”
  • Ability to launch web applications in browser windows
  • Advanced privacy / malware / phishing protection

Until I see anything along the lines of a beta level release, I will be cautiously optimistic on Chrome. Google Chrome, assuming the name is in fact real, would make sense though as a logical extension of Google’s web based services.

I have believed that the gOS, a Linux based operating system was the first signs of a Google endorsed operating system becoming available to PC users. A web browser platform like Chrome may be one of the few missing ingredients to a completely open source, Google endorsed environment. With GoogleDocs becoming an online version of OpenOffice, my money would be on Chrome saving much of its user settings online… tied to your Google accounts of course.

With Google’s evolution into more web based products and services – a browser would simply make sense. The question is… Is it real?

Investigating the story a bit more I find myself more curious about the browser and more willing to accept these rumors as truth. While it would be easy to say that Philipp Lenssen or Scott McCloud are having some fun with this, Slashdot has picked up the story and is running with it.

Furthermore, Google Browser Sync is something I never knew about. Apparently it was a FireFox 2 Add-On that, as Google explains:

Google Browser Sync for Firefox is an extension that continuously synchronizes your browser settings – including bookmarks, history, persistent cookies, and saved passwords – across your computers. It also allows you to restore open tabs and windows across different machines and browser sessions.

With all the Beta tools Google has created only to watch fail, I’m willing to bet that Browser Sync has legs to stand on. While only speculating, the fact that Google Browser Sync is no longer available for download could mean that Google has pulled public efforts on the tool as they continue to tweak things behind closed doors. It wouldn’t be the first time they worked on Mozilla modifications privately.

Edited by Author: Google Browser Sync was a FireFox 2 Add On, not a FF3 Add On as I initially reported.

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