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Google Combines its Most Important Products into Google TV

Google Combines its Most Important Products into Google TV

So after all this year’s of building up a very efficient search technology, a fast and lighweight web browser and a mobile computing platform, Google has finally unveiled its grandest plan of conquering the world – Google TV.  Running on the byline – “TV meets web, web meets TV, Google TV”, Google TV  is both hardware and software and a little bit of more Google stuff.

Google TV will let you access all of your favorite websites, thanks to the built-in Google Chrome browser. It will expands the scope of what you can watch on your TV sets. That’s from a few hundred cable channels to practically millions of entertainment channels from the web. This is in addition to the photo viewer, gaming console, music player and practically any content from the web.

Google TV also has search built-in on it.  To find any channel or program that you want to watch, you simply key in the program’s name on the Google TV search bar and Google TV will find it for you. If you don’t have specific channel or program to watch, Google TV will give you some suggestion as you type a few characters on the search bar. Or you can search for programs on your Google TV homescreen.

Of course, Google TV was built on Google’s open-platform, Android. This means, any third-party developers can play along ang develope Google TV apps that will further enhance the web-to-TV experience that we are all going to enjoy from Google TV.  Sony and Logitech are the first two manufacturers who are planning to put Google TV inside of television, Blu-ray players and companion boxes. Distribution will be handled by Best Buy, not Google thankfully.

In short, Google TV is a pretty huge endeavor. Something which can either make or break depending on how users, us will respond to it and appreciate it. Can Google pull this one off? We’ll see.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...