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Google Gains Search Share in July on Yahoo’s Expense

Google Gains Search Share in July on Yahoo’s Expense

As expected Google once again is dominating the July search share data from comScore. Google got 61.9% of the total core search rankings for July followed by Yahoo with 20.5%, Microsoft with 8.9%, Ask Network with 4.5% and AOL 4.2%.

Comparing it with June data, Both Yahoo and Microsoft are at the lost side with – .4 and -.3 point changes. While Google gained 4 notches comparing its July achivement with June’s data. Interestingly the changes in search share for all five major search properties would lead you to conclude that Google took 4% of Yahoo’s previous months’ search share while Ask and AOL got a piece of Microsoft’s share of the search market.

But of course, it is not as simple as that. There are far more comlicated explanation to these data variations. But for the sheer fun of it, I would love to look at it that way – that is Google gaining shares in searches at the expense of Yahoo.

Other interesting points to note on comScore’s July data:

  • Total searches for July increased by 2% with 11.8 billion total search conduced in the US last month.
  • Google got 7.3 billion core searches, Yahoo got 2.4 billion and Microsoft got only 1 billion of the total searches


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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...