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Google Gets Two of Four from FCC

The Federal Communications Commission finally reached a decision on Google’s proposed openness conditions before bidding on the upcoming auction of the publicly owned spectrum in the 700 MHz band. The FCC specifically ruled in favor of: 

  1. Open applications – which is the right of consumers to download and utilize any software applications or content they desire,
  2. Open devices – the right of consumers to utilize their handheld communications devices with whatever wireless network they prefer.

Although the FCC decision did not really please Google that much, the possibility of participating in the wireless auction is still on the decision table. Google still awaits the final text of the FCC ruling before it gives a final word on whether they are bidding on the wireless spectrum or not. 

Now, that the word is out, the question that needs answering is whether Google is really participating in the wireless spectrum bid or it was just bluffing? 

But notwithstanding Google’s intention on pushing for the four openness conditions, with the approval of the two conditions, the consumer is still at the winning end. Giving the mobile consuming public a free option on which service providers to use on their mobile devices is something that would create a stir in both the consumers end and at the wireless carriers’ side.  Looking at the bigger picture, this will pave the way for big changes in the U.S. telecommunications industry. And eventually, the consumers who are the ones who spend to sustain this kind of services will benefit the most. 

Going back to Google’s intention, nobody knows what will be its next step. Will it pursue a grand entry into the wireless communication arena? Or was this just a mere ploy to show off that indeed it is a powerful company after all?

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...