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Google Gives AdWords a Mobile Interface

Google Gives AdWords a Mobile Interface

Google has just rolled out its AdWords for Mobile applications that should run on the iPhone, Android and Palm Pre devices. AdWords for Mobile provides mobile access to your account, key alerts and statistics as well as a facility to make quick changes to your AdWords settings even while on the move.

AdWords for Mobile lets you select parts of your AdWords account that you want to monitor and access using your mobile phones. You can set up custom alerts for key account events such as when you campaing has reached a certain amount of your daily budget or when traffic is dropping substantially.  The mobile app also has a link that lets you switch to the desktop interface of your AdWords account in case you need to do major edits to other parts of your AdWords account.

In short, AdWords for mobile will help you better manage your AdWords account and you will no longer have reason to say that you failed to make some changes since you are on the move. Well, unless of course you don’t use any of the devices supported by the mobile app.

If  you want to try AdWords for mobile, simply point your mobile device’s browser to http://adwords.google.com/dashboard/Dashboard.

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...