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Google Makes Conversational Search Even More Intelligent

Google Makes Conversational Search Even More Intelligent

The Google Search app on your smartphone is probably not the first place you would turn to when planning a trip, but that may no longer be the case after today’s announcement regarding conversational search.

Google has upgraded its conversational search functionality with new features that aim to make it easier for people to plan things. Here is an overview of the new features:

  • Location-based conversational search — search for locations near you by asking something like “Ok Google, show me restaurants near my hotel”. You don’t even have to use the hotel name if the reservation info is stored in your gmail.
  • Reservations — When you have found a restaurant near you that you’d like to eat at, tell Google to make a reservation for you and as long as the restaurant is on OpenTable Google will fill out all the details for you.
  • Directions — Google will remember your selection, and you can continue your restaurant search by asking for directions to the one you just made a reservation at.

These new features are available on the Android and iOS Google app.

Takeaways From This Announcment

After today’s announcement, there’s absolutely no excuse to not have location data on your website and a verified Google+ local listing. Without that information you won’t be found when someone is performing a location-based conversational search in your area.

Another crucial takeaway ensure your restaurant is on OptenTable so you don’t miss out on business from people looking to make a reservation on the fly with their mobile device.

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SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...