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Google Now Controls 69% of Online Advertising Market

Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick has turned the company into double the online advertising juggernaut that it once was, with a total advertising market share of 69% according to Attributor’s study.

Google enjoys a 35% share of advertising to unique users while DoubleClick enters the Googleplex with its own 34%. Combined, the two forces serve advertising to just about 2.2 billion unique users (that’s one third of the world’s population … if we counted all of those users as unique people).

More information from the study:

  1. DoubleClick and Google dominate overall market share capturing 35% and 34% of unique users, respectively.
  2. DoubleClick owns the head and Google owns the tail. For sites with over 1MM monthly unique users, Doubleclick has a 48% share, a 3x advantage over 2nd place Yahoo. For sites with less than 100k monthly unique users, Google has an 8x share advantage over 2nd place MSN.
  3. Professionally produced content is widely proliferated across highly trafficked, commercial sites, representing an untapped opportunity for publishers to increase their revenue through content licensing, ad revenue share or link-building.

More from Attributor’s Get your fair share of the ad network pie

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...