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Google Wants to Change the World with 5 Initiatives

Google’s philanthropic arm, Google.org announces its 5 core initiatives that will be the focus of its social responsibility activities. Using its strong information and technology infrastructure, Google.org will partner with experienced experts in the fields relating to the 5 core initiatives. This 5 core initiatives which shall be the guiding principles of Google.org in the next 5 to 10 years are; predict and prevent, inform and empower, SMB empowerment, renewable energy use, and rechargeIT.In brief here’s what each of the core initiatives are all about:

Predict and Prevent – Google.org will be working closely with various international organizations to predict the occurrences of natural disasters, calamities and health catastrophes and promulgate ways of preventing these events from becoming the next worldwide pandemic.

Inform and Empower – Google.org will work with expert partners in improving the flow of vital information to improve basic services for the poor in India, East Africa and other developing countries where basic services fail to reach the poorest member of the society.

SME development support – Google.org will enhance institutional support to small and medium enterprises to access larger financial markets and open up more investment opportunities.

Renewable Energy Use – Launched in November 2007 as RE<C, this program aims to reduce coal utilization and refocus energy use towards a cheaper and environmentally friendly renewable energy source.

RechargeIT – Aiming to reduce CO2 emissions, cut oil use and stabilize electrical grid through accelerated adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Google.org will invest $500,000 to $2 million in funding initiatives that will promote plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, electric vehicles and/or vehicle-to-grid solutions.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...