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Google’s Related Search Suggestions Become Fresher

You know that related search suggestions that Google’s search offers up whenever you used Google search? Those suggestions offer up a quick and useful link to related search terms which might point you to more relevant search results than what you used. If you’re not familiar with it, those are the links that appear right below the search box after you enter a search term. Got it now? Well, those related search suggestions become even more useful now that Google has improved its algorithms that collect and determine those related search terms to make it suggest fresher search times.

So for instance if you are searching for “iphone” to search for items about the new iPhone, it is but logical that Google’s algorithms would suggest a more timely search term which is “iphone 3g” or “iphone2”.

Actually it can also work on the negative side. Say for example you are searching for “kung fu”, Google in trying to make its related search timely would definitely suggests the terms “kung fu panda.” But then you can always choose not to click on those timely related search suggestions if you deemed it irrelevant to what you are trying to search for.

From the words of the Google Search team:

Because information on the web is constantly changing, we think this improvement will help you find relevant information faster.

And we could only say nothing but amen to that.

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...