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Blogger is now surprisingly cool

Blogger is now surprisingly cool

I have had a love hate relation with Google’s Blogger service. I started blogging with it. It just stopped working for me one day and I moved on. But since then I have had minor brushes with the updates that Google added with time and it has now become pretty darn good!

Some recent decisions by Google has completely turned around the way guys like me looked at Blogger. Now it sports no advertisements… Google’s own adsense block is history and instead we have a cool looking bar that adds Google site search to the Blog. Other than that users get to surf around other Blogger based Blogs using the toolbar itself. Bloggers get to Blog using the BlogIt button.

And well, the new templates that were added to the Blogger services are some of the coolest skins available in free Blogging services. They now look really nice. Though it still lack some basic features like categories or community tools, it is very easy for a new user to start blogging. Google has certainly made it from something not so good into something really cool. And the fact that now users can use their own personal adsense codes… it is like paying people to Blog!

Contributed by: Sushubh, Publisher of Software news at Software Journal and Tech Consultant to SEJ.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...