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Microsoft’s Google Search Killer Strategy is a Rewards Program?

I must admit that I almost cringed when I read about Microsoft Live Search’s newest strategy to boost its Live Search standing in the web search market, and possibly to attract more users. Microsoft is about to announce its Live Search Cash Back promo, I mean program.

Call it desperate measures or whatever, but no matter how you would look at it, this new program is simply humiliating. Maybe, it’s just he old fashioned me who has high regard for the search engine industry, and the three major search engines that have been monopolizing it. Hence, I could not really understand why Microsoft would resort to such measures to gain some mileage against its competitor. It’s simply amateurish.

Anyway, for those who are interested to know about the Live Search Cash Back program, here goes. Microsoft will be paying users who will use Live Search to search for products and buy them online from participating online retailers. Users will be paid from 2% to 30% of the purchase price as promised by Microsoft. And to carry out this program, Microsoft has commissioned several merchants to participate in the program which include, Barnes &Nobles, Home Depot, J&R Electronics among others.

There are other details regarding this program and we might as well wait for the official announcement from Microsoft. But that is if this post has not yet convinced you to totally forget about Live Search.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...