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Oh Great! Google Makes its Search Box Bigger

Oh Great! Google Makes its Search Box Bigger

Google is not just going to let Apple dominate the news today with their new product announcement and Steve Jobs re-apperance on Apple’s stage. And so Google announced a big enhancement (literally) – the famous Google Search Box just got bigger.


It’s a simple enhancement, no effect whatsoever on Google’s searching capability or functionality. Google is just making a statement here, stating the obvious – Google is all about search and it is but proper that the search box should look bigger. Aside from the bigger search box, Google is also making the  search terms you enter larger as well as the search suggestions that appear when you time your search terms.

The announcement was made by none other than Google’s Marissa Meyer. And she ended it by saying:

“Google has always been first and foremost about search, and we’re committed to building and powering the best search on the web — now available through a supersized search box.’

Category SEO
Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...