The latest post on the Pinterest blog takes a close look at what the post popular categories are for each day of the week.
So, what kinds of things are people pinning on Monday through Sunday? Here’s how it breaks down:
Monday: People appear to be feeling healthy and energetic on this day, as Fitness is the most popular category.
Tuesday: The most popular category on this day is technology. Tech Tuesday has a ring to it, doesn’t it?
Wednesday: As the week drags on, inspirational quotes are the most popular category on this day.
Thursday: Fashion is the most popular category on this day. Maybe everyone has weekend shopping on their mind?
Friday: Casual Fridays are also pretty casual on Pinterest, with humor being the most popular category on this day.
Saturday: It’s the weekend, should come as no surprise that travel is the most popular category on this day.
Sunday: People seem to be in the mood to either cook or make something new, as food and craft ideas are the most popular categories on this day.
Pinterest states that humor is the fastest growing category on their social network, as more than 3 million humor Pins are saved each day. In just five months since Pinterest launched the GIFs category, more than 400,000 of them are pinned every day.
Trends in the popular fitness category include CrossFit, Paleo challenges, and Tough Mudder Boot Camps. In the travel category, Pinterest notes that locations in Portland, DC, and Boston are especially popular right now.
If you’re using Pinterest as part of your social media marketing, this could be useful information when it comes to planning your content throughout the week.