LinkedIn has proved itself an incredible resource for B2B companies. For sales professionals, Sales Navigator is the “go-to” tool as it allows to search, identify and connect with prospects through LinkedIn inmails. Inmail is a messaging system through which you can email your lead without actually knowing their email id. According to LinkedIn, responses to inmails are guaranteed, as they are directly sent to your lead’s inbox. In case you don’t get a reply to your inmail within seven days, LinkedIn will return inmail credit to your account.
You can avail benefits of Sales Navigator free for one month, after which you need to pay on monthly or yearly basis.
Sales Navigator offers real-time insights of your accounts and leads and thus helps you differentiate by adding value when you try to connect through inmail. But not all those who send LinkedIn inmails succeed in their campaign. I often come across many sales representatives who do targeted search through leadbuilder, spend hours going though each profile, and write typical marketing inmails. The obvious result of their hard work is dismal 1% response rate.
Keep the below tips on writing effective LinkedIn inmails in mind and I am sure your leads will open your mail, read it, reply and not just blindly hit ‘Delete’ button.

Tips to Keep in Mind While Sending LinkedIn Inmails
- You get only one chance to create your first impression, and that first impression is created within the first 3 seconds from the moment your lead sees inmail. Hence, subject line is the most decisive part of your LinkedIn inmails. Start with an interesting subject line, such as “Your profile is very interesting”, “Congratulations for new job” etc.
- Give a brief introduction and be personable. Your lead should feel like they are getting a message from a real person, not a robot.
- Identify the connection you have and mention it in the opening lines. If you haven’t met before or are completely new to each other, it’s ok to start with “We haven’t spoke before but I would like to…”
- Go through your lead’s profile and mention how the profile interested you. You can briefly talk about how your lead’s recent updates interest you, congratulate them on recent promotion, mention your common interests or causes you both care about. Mentioning appropriate updates makes your leads more curious about you and adds credibility. Relationships created this way are much more fruitful than cold introductions.
- Make an offer to your lead about how you could benefit his company. This is where you sell yourself. Make the best use of your language skills here. Nobody will be interested if they don’t see their profit out of reading your LinkedIn inmails.
- Politely ask for a brief dialog over chat, email, or phone call. However, you need to put the ball in their court. Don’t launch straight into “Let’s discuss over a phone call on how I can help you.” Instead, be indirect and let your lead take control of the decision by saying “I was wondering if we could have a call or chat to discuss how I can help you get more business”.
- Don’t give too many details. Start off with just enough to spark a conversation. With the above line, you definitely let your lead know you can help them grow, but aren’t over loading them on details.
- Finally, ask to add them to your professional network. If you want to connect to a person out of your network, look for shared connections and mention those people. This will increase lead’s inclination to trust you. In the below snapshot, say I want to connect with Harry Fernandes, then I would write as “I would like to add you my professional network. We also have one shared connection – JayeshModi.” The higher the number of shared connections, the higher the chances of acceptance of invitation.
Shared Connections
- Make language sound like a personal message instead of just another marketing email, but at the same time keep it pretty formal. Remember you are trying to connect to a person on a professional networking site.
- Mention your contact information in LinkedIn inmails. This keeps the link between you and your lead alive and active.
I strongly believe writing good LinkedIn inmails is more of an art. Let us know if your tactics have worked in getting a reply to inmails.
Image Credits
Featured Image: iprostocks via Shutterstock
All screenshots taken November 2014