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$10,000 Blog Challenge – Blogger Investing to Change the Blogosphere

$10,000 Blog Challenge – Blogger Investing to Change the Blogosphere

John Scott, who is quite infamous around SEO circles and is currently running the v7ndotcom elursrebmem SEO contest at v7n, has recently gotten into blogging and is looking to shake up the blogosphere a bit with his $10,000 Blog Challenge.

John feels that the blogosphere is being controlled by a clique of A-list bloggers who are sitting on top of their blogostools, and adding to their perceived level of divinity by playing link grabass with each other.

He also thinks that bloggers don’t link enough.

The message behind the $10,000 Blog Challenge is fairly simple : LINK frequently and link not only to the most popular blogs, but also some of the small fish in the sea.

Whether you agree with John or not, it would be nice to see some fresh changes in the popular blogs categories (something I’ve always striving for here) and Mr. Scott has decided to put his money where his mouth is with a new Blogosphere Contest.

From John’s Internet-Marketing-Blog :

I challenge every blogger to post links to new blogs, unknown blogs and blogs not in the Technorati’s Top 100. And I’ll pay out a total of $10,000 to those who participate.

All I ask is that you announce on your own blog your intentions to blog about newer, less known blogs, and post your blog URL here in the comments. ( A link would be appreciated but is not required.)

In six months time, I will make a list of all the blogs participating – the ones who have followed through and blogged about unknown blogs – and I’ll let the readers here vote and choose a winner.

Grand prize is $3,000. The top 70 runners-up will receive $100 worth of schwag or cash or gift certificates

Linking to lesser known blogs. Are you up for the challenge?

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...