If you are a marketer, you know just how important it is to keep track of your analytics, and there are plenty of resources to make sure you are your own analytics expert. These analytics help show you what content does best with your audience and helps you understand who your audience is and what they want to see.
If you are savvy when it comes to analytics but prefer to use a plugin to implement and verify the Google Analytics tracking, this article is definitely for you.
Basic Google Analytics implementation is quite simple to use, however the more advanced side of Google Analytics Tracking, for example Enhanced E-commerce, Content Grouping, Custom Dimensions, and many more are complex and they require more of a technical understanding of the code.
Luckily, there are some really helpful plugins out there that were made to help you track all of these important analytics in a super simple way.
I have created a list of 18 plugins that were created to make your Google Analytic implementation experience even simpler, and in the long run, will save your time and money
Google Analytics Plugins
Following are the Free Google Analytics Plug and Play type Plugins for WordPress, Drupal, Joomla & vBulletin to implement Google Analytics in minutes.
These plugins will automatically add the required Google Analytics code on your website/store. Additionally, you will have to add the UA Tracking ID [ie. UA-XXXXXXXX-1] in the plugin’s settings page to start tracking the data.
1) Google Analytics by Yoast [Wordpress]
2) Google Universal Analytics [Wordpress]
3) Google Analytics [Drupal]
4) Easy Google Analytics [Joomla]
5) Innovative Google Analytics – Asynchronous Version [vBullentin]
Note: Once you enable the plugin, it can take upto 24 – 48 hours to start seeing the data in Google Analytics.
Enhanced E-commerce Plugins
Enhanced E-commerce is the complete revamp of traditional Google Analytics E-commerce reporting.
With Enhanced E-commerce, you get access to 10 fantastic reports that give you a deeper understanding of how users interacts with your store.
Implementation of Enhanced E-commerce is little complex and plugins, like the one shared below, will make your implementation quick:
6) Enhanced E-commerce Google Analytics Plugin [Free–this is my company’s plugin]
7) Google Enhanced E-commerce [Free]
8) Google Tag Manager Enhanced E-commerce (UA) Tracking [Paid]
9) Premium Google Analytics Enhanced E-commerce [Paid]
Open Cart
10) Google Analytics Enhanced E-commerce [Paid]
Free Google Chrome Add-ons
Google Analytics Debugger prints useful information to the JavaScript console by enabling the debug version of the Google Analytics JavaScript.
This extension loads the debug version of the Google Analytics JavaScript for all sites you browse using Google Chrome. It prints useful information to the JavaScript console. These messages include error messages and warnings, which can tell you when your analytics tracking code is set up incorrectly. In addition, it provides a detailed breakdown of each tracking beacon sent to Google Analytics.
12) Google Analytics URL Builder
URL builder helps you instantly create the Google Analytics campaign URLs. It is a hyper version of Google Analytics URL Builder and has few fantastic features like auto bit.ly link generation & choosing a pre-defined tag set as default
13) Tag Assistant
Tag Assistant helps to troubleshoot installation of various Google tags including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and more. Additionally, Tag Assistant helps you verify that you have installed various Google tags correctly on your page.
14) Tool to Create Event Tracking Code
Fantastic tool to instantly create Google Analytics Event tracking code. To use the tool, you need to simply add value to category name, action name, label name, and value. Once you add the value, it will automatically create the code for tracking the event,
15) Event Tracking Tracker
Another super useful Chrome Add-on that shows the event tracking calls. It instantly helps you verify your event tracking implementation
It is a simple persistent tracker that logs Google Analytics ‘track Event’ calls. Primarily intended for web developers to debug Event Tracking calls.
16) WASP Inspector
The Web Analytics Solution Profiler (WASP) is a fantastic tool for managers, marketers, and implementation specialists who want to audit, validate, and debug the data sent from their websites via tags and beacons.
17) Dataslayer
Another fantastic chrome add on to Debug and test tag management (Google Tag Manager, Tealium) and analytics implementations.
18) Omnibug for Chrome and Firefox
Omnibug is a Chrome extension to decode and display outgoing web metrics requests. It is quite popular among almost all the Google Analytics Implementation Specialists. Each outgoing request (sent by the browser) is checked for a pattern; if a match occurs, the URL is displayed in a DevTools panel, and decoded to show the details of the request. In addition, requests can be logged to the file system.
I hope this post helps you discover new plugins to speed up your Google Analytics Implementation. If you think I have missed any essential or helpful plugins, do let us know in the comments section.
Image Credits
Featured Image: Image by Boni Satani
All screenshots by Boni Satani. Taken August 2015.