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Personal Checks Search – 4checks.com

Personal Checks Search – 4checks.com

One of the beauties of the vertical search engine is the ability to center the entire search service around one locale, product, or idea. As we saw with FoodieView, search can be designated to recipe information, while using Vivisimmo style clustering to break down by styles of foods or origin of recipe. Today’s entry of the Spotlight of 500 Search Engines is a product comparison search engine which is focused on a product that many of us use, but may not normally think about – checks.

4checks.com is a search engine which searches check designs from over 6 different manufacturers of discount personal checks. Here’s the 5 second breakdown on the discount check printing business. Your bank offers a wide variety of checks which come with your checking account. The first two or three books of checks are usually free, but after using those, with some checking account agreements your bank will send you new orders of checks for costs ranging up to $20 per new order. Those checks can be purchased directly from the manufacturers for a great discount. Some checks manufacturers sell books of customized design checks for

4checks.com works with partners such as Artistic, Styles, Image Checks, Check Gallery, Message Products, Unique Checks, and other discount checks manufacturers to index all of their check designs into its database which also offers a directory of checks categories (Personal Checks, a bank checks directory, works similarly). With over 690 designs indexed, some of the searches on 4checks.com lead to some interesting results. A search for “frogs” results in designs from Rainforest Charity checks to Beatrix Potter designs. For those serving in the military or veterans, a search for “military” brings patriotic checks into its results along with checks featuring the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, Army and Marines.

Spotlight of 500 Search Engines – Search Engine Journal is reviewing 500 search engines this year to help share the spotlight that the larger engines enjoy. If you represent a search engine or know of one that should be reviewed, email us with search engines you would like to see in the Spotlight of 500 Search Engines. Please mail us the search engine URL, description, your contact information, and any traits or offerings which make the search engine special. With a goal of 500 search engines to review in one year, we’ll need all the help we can get.

Category SEO
SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...