We’re still trying to wrap our collective heads around that recent Disney and Netflix deal that would bring four Marvel superheroes to the online video site. If, for some reason that can not be explained you weren’t aware of such partnership, here’s the rundown.
Beginning in 2015, Netflix will unveil four brand new live-action series based on Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage. Each character will receive thirteen initial episodes that will eventually culminate with a miniseries based on The Defenders. Netflix is promising to take viewers into “the gritty world of heroes and villains of Hell’s Kitchen, New York.” Geeks and fanboys around the world rejoiced.
Marvel Entertainment president Alan Fine said in a statement that: “This deal is unparalleled in its scope and size, and reinforces our commitment to deliver Marvel’s brand, content, and characters across all platforms of storytelling.” And, we agree that Netflix is the perfect platform to showcase these lesser known heroes. They’re not as family-friendly as Captain America, which means they can get away with a lot more on the paid-subscription service. Also, Netflix has already proven that they can develop some quality entertainment with shows like “Orange is the New Black” and “House of Cards”.
As fans, we can’t wait until these series air. But, we’re also fans of the business side as well. In fact, this deal could open up some extremely cool options for Disney and Marvel. Here are five possibilities that we’d like to see happen as a result of the Disney/Netflix partnership.
5. Introduce More Characters
Clearly Marvel has no intentions of slowing down the expansion of their “universe”. Hopefully, these Netflix series will be a “Phase 1” for future characters on either the big or small screen. How awesome would it be to have a Punisher cameo during the Daredevil series? This would introduce fans to the actor playing Frank Castle (that is if Thomas Jane doesn’t reprise the role) for a future TV series or even film reboot. Without getting all geeky on everyone, let’s just say that it would a smart move to have other Marvel characters popup during the course of all the Netflix series.
4. Establish More Partnerships
Disney has all sorts of deals in place with companies that make shirts, toys, lunchboxes, etc. of Marvel characters. But, why not team up with some unexpected companies. Do you realize how nuts fans would go if Disney teamed up with Apple or Google? Imagine if there was an Android OS or iOS called J.A.R.V.I.S. (Tony Stark’s artificially intelligent computer), particularity on wearable tech like Glass. While there is already an app like this in iTunes, it would be great to have an official partnership that would bring in actor Paul Bettany, have exclusive Marvel content, or even someday be a part of a home automation system. Just a goofy, yet fun, example of future partnerships.
3. Enhance Social Media Presence
While Marvel and Disney don’t need the assistance from social media, some of their second and third tier characters may. You can’t rely on the Marvel name to bring non-comic book fans. This is where social media could be an asset. Disney could created Facebook or Twitter profiles for these characters. For example, to help lead into Daredevil, they could set-up a profile for his alter-ego Matt Murdock. Some people may not know that he’s a lawyer, so there could be a status like “Had a rough day in court”. It would be a simple way for people to learn a little bit more about the characters and maybe build a connection to that character, which would make them want to tune into Netflix.
2. Launch a Marvel TV Network
Between the Netflix series, and even Agents of Shield, there could be enough content for Disney to launch a new network that would host all of the Marvel series, even the films. If Disney doesn’t want to start a new channel, they could go the Cartoon Network/Adult Swim route – meaning that during the day the channel would air family friendly entertainment and at night would switch to more mature material. This could be a long shot, but not everyone has Netflix. So, this could be the place for syndication.
1. Marvel Knights
Marvel has a lot of darker and gritter characters that really don’t fit in with the current movie universe. Besides Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, Marvel has the film rights to The Punisher, Ghost Rider and Blade, just to name a few. Instead of stand alone films, Disney could establish a new studio dubbed Marvel Knights. It would kinda be like when Disney used Miramax for Tarantino films. Marvel Knights could then establish it’s own universe that could lead to crossover and team-ups. Just a thought from a fan who want to catch some of these edgier heroes.
Are you excited about the Disney and Netflix partnership? Which series are you most looking forward to? And, what would you like to see come out of this deal?
Featured Image Credit: Wikipedia