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5 SEJ Webinars That Taught Me Something New

Haven't watched a Search Engine Journal webinar? We highlight five presentations to watch if you're looking for helpful digital marketing takeaways.

5 SEJ Webinars That Taught Me Something New

If you have signed up and attended one of our SEJ Webinars in the past, then you know the quality of information each and every speaker brings with their presentation, as well as some of the amazing information shared through the Q&A sessions at the end of each presentation.

If you haven’t attended one yet, definitely check out our Webinar section to see what you have been missing and what we have scheduled for the future.

As one of the moderators for the SEJ Webinars, as well as having been in this industry since 2006, I am always blown away by how much I actually learn and take away from each webinar.

With that in mind, I wanted to highlight five somewhat recent webinars, that were super informative and helpful to me.

(Quick note that we have published all our previous webinars on YouTube, so make sure to check them out and subscribe to Search Engine Journal’s YouTube channel.)

1. BERT Explained: What You Need to Know About Google’s New Algorithm

When BERT was first announced, it became a huge topic of discussion, as marketers sought to better understand what it meant for search, but more importantly what it meant for their search marketing efforts.

Dawn Anderson, Managing Director at Bertey, gave a really in-depth presentation that covered every aspect of BERT you could imagine.

You are not only left a better understanding of what you might do as a marketer, but also with a real working knowledge of why BERT is important now and in the future.

If you really want to better understand BERT, then I highly recommend checking the webinar out.

2. SEO After COVID-19: How to Recover with FAQs, Schema, AMP & Voice Search

Although one of our more recent webinars, with the shelter-in-place orders around the country and COVID-19 related business closures, this presentation shed light on a number of areas that could help marketers perform better during this pandemic.

It also touches on many aspects that will likely define marketing online for the foreseeable future, such as Offers, Local, FAQs and Voice, Schemas, and AMP.

Milestone‘s CEO Anil Aggarwal and VP of Marketing Erik Newton really share some amazing information in this webinar, which I highly recommend you take the time to watch (or at least listen).

3. 2020 Digital Trends & Must-Haves

I think every marketer out there is looking to better understand what is truly important to focus on when it comes to digital marketing and we couldn’t look to better than Benu Aggarwal of Milestone and Bill Hunt of Back Azimuth to help guide us.

In this webinar, recorded earlier this year, they come together to discuss a number of important topics like:

  • How search and digital marketing evolved in 2019.
  • The planning must-haves for search, digital, voice, and omnichannel strategies in 2020.
  • Key mobile content trends and must-haves to stay competitive.
  • How to leverage omnichannel strategies to market your business.
  • How to saturate your customer journey, purchase funnel, and cross-channel attributions.
  • Key digital strategies to stay ahead: voice search, chatbots, progressive web apps (PWA), videos, and AI.

Definitely add this to your must-watch list.

4. How to Improve Your Search Discoverability & Boost Lead Volume

It is not often that I see new tactics or unique variations of existing tactics in search marketing, but when I joined Garrett Mehrguth of Directive, I was blown away by some of truly out of the box ways he was approaching SEO and SERP visibility.

Mehrguth’s step-by-step approach is focused, easy to follow, and should help a lot of small to mid-sized business have a lot more initial success from the search marketing efforts.

5. 5 Key Considerations When Launching Influencer Marketing Campaigns

I don’t normally recommend things I personally presented, because it feels too self-promotional, but in preparing for this presentation I learned a lot more than I expected about influencer marketing and what truly defines the influence these internet sensations have.

Since I don’t actually offer influencer marketing services, it was more about sharing what I had learned in my own search to better understand the whole influencer marketing strategy.

Here are some of the stats that initially got me interested in the topic:

  • 70% of teens trusted influencers more than traditional celebrities.
  • 4 out of 10 people say influencers understand them better than their friends.
  • 6 out of 10 people said they would follow the advice of an influencer on what to buy.
  • 49% of people rely on influencers for product recommendations (56% rely on friends).
  • 40% made purchases online based off influencer recommendations.

To Sum Up

Phew… That’s about 5 solid hours of digital marketing learning, so if you get halfway through and feel you need something to refresh your mind a little, check out this meditation video my friend Jessie Amitrano recorded.

I hope you enjoy these webinars and please make sure to share them with anyone you think would benefit from viewing them as well!

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SEJ STAFF Brent Csutoras Managing Partner / Owner at Search Engine Journal

Brent Csutoras is the founder of OGS Media, co-founder of DirtyBoots, and Managing Partner at Search Engine Journal. He helps ...