Pubcon Vegas 2014 is set to be one of the largest gatherings of digital marketing, social media, search, and optimization industry leaders ever. In addition to being hosted in one of the most exciting cities in the country, this year’s event also marks the 15th anniversary of Pubcon. With over 130 sessions, hundreds of speakers, and plenty of chances to learn and network, Pubcon Vegas 2014 is truly an event you don’t want to miss.
Pubcon Facts
Need more reasons to be excited about Pubcon? Here are 7 facts about Pubcon you might not know.

1. The very first Pubcon was held in 2000 at the Cittie of Yorke Pub in London. It was an informal meeting of web masters and optimizers – hence the original “Pub” in Pubcon. Today it stands for “Publishing”.
2. The first time Pubcon was hosted in Vegas was in 2004. It was a three day event attended by over 1,000 people.
3. Pubcon is the longest running industry conference still using the same name. With 15 years of experience under their belt, Brett Tabke and his team know how to do conferences right!

4. Every SEO’s favorite Googler, Matt Cutts, has been a speaker at at least nine Pubcons. His first appearance was at the Boston Pubcon in 2003.
5. In 2004, Pubcon Boston was a one day event, and attendance was capped at just 350 people. In 2014, the conference will host 3,000 people and last an entire week.
6. Pubcon hosts conferences all over the world- from Hawaii to London and plenty of cities in between.
7. Founder Brett Tabke actually met his wife at Pubcon London in 2002!
Get Ready for Pubcon Vegas 2014!
Want to be in the know at this year’s conference? The team at SEJ has written a Survival Guide designed to help you get the most out of this year’s conference. Inside these pages you will find everything you need to know about getting around Vegas, sessions, where to eat, and much, much more.
Download it to your phone, tablet, or laptop and you will always have access to all the great information we’ve compiled for Pubcon attendees! (Or, you can view it online, but what’s the fun in that?)
Image Sources:
Cittie of York