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88% of Organizations Are Undergoing a ‘Digital Transformation,’ According to Study by Brian Solis of Altimeter Group

88% of Organizations Are Undergoing a ‘Digital Transformation,’ According to Study by Brian Solis of Altimeter Group

A new report, The State of Digital Transformation, released today by Brian Solis of Altimeter Group, discusses the phenomenon of “digital transformation” and what it means to the online business and marketing industry. Among its findings, the report stated 88 percent of individuals participating in the survey claimed their organization was undergoing a digital transformation.

While Altimeter Group found that the term “digital transformation” meant something different to each company, here’s their official definition:

To focus our initial research, we defined digital transformation as a movement under a customer-centric lens:  The realignment of, or new investment in, technology and business models to more effectively engage digital customers at every touchpoint in the customer experience lifecycle.

 Other Key Findings

Among its other findings, Solis and his team found that successful companies are focusing most on social media (71%) in their digital transformation efforts, with mobile (63%) and search (59%) following just behind.

digital transformation solis report

The study also found that there are several challenges they are facing when it comes to digital transformation and what is required to make it happen, including a shift in company culture (with 63% marking it as very important) and thinking beyond a “campaign mentality” in digital strategy efforts, with 59% saying it is very important:

Figure 6

Thankfully, most organizations driving a new digital transformation are spearheaded by the CMO (54%), CEO (42%), and CIO (29%). This means executives are excited and aware of the need for a new consumer-centric method of communication online.

When asked about the report and its findings, Solis told me:

“Digital transformation starts with seeing the digital customer journey for what it is today and what it could be. Live your brand the way your customers do. Then invest in new technology, models and processes that unite the customer experience instead of fragmenting it. Customers only see one brand…not departments or silos.”

Companies are realizing the importance of creating a unified customer experience that represents the company as a whole.

Benefits of Digital Transformation

Survey respondents reported the top five benefits they anticipate seeing as they undergo a digital transformation including 75 percent expecting a lift in engagement and 63 percent expecting improved customer satisfaction:

brian solis study

The study also included data and responses on what companies need to focus on going forward to improve the customer experience and whether or not companies are mapping out their digital transformation journey (which may include investing in new digital channels). To download the free report, visit Altimeter’s site.


Featured image via Shutterstock, Other images via Altimeter Group and are used with permission.

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Kelsey Jones Marketing Consultant, Owner at Six Stories & StoryShout

Kelsey Jones is a marketing consultant, writer, and owner of SixStories.com and StoryShoutNews.com. Kelsey has been in digital marketing since ...