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9 Ways to Repurpose Your Presentation

Don't let all that hard work end when your presentation concludes. Here are a couple of ideas to repurpose your presentation.

9 Ways to Repurpose Your Presentation

Whether you are a regular speaker at conferences, create presentations for your colleagues, or decided to participate in a webinar, there will be times when you have to put in the work to create an awesome presentation.

So the last thing you want to do is let all that hard work go to waste when the presentation concludes. Instead, you want to repurpose your presentation into other creatives, allowing you to get the full benefit of your efforts.

Here are a couple of ideas to repurpose your presentation into other formats.

Upload Your Presentation to SlideShare

This is a pretty simple concept, but something everyone should consider doing with their presentations.

Owned by LinkedIn, SlideShare has the ability to provide thousands of views to your presentation, has a number of features like ‘Trending in Social Media,’ and also promotes popular presentations to their own network, through emails, social, and featured placement on the SlideShare homepage.

9 Ways to Repurpose Your Presentation | SEJ

Make sure when uploading your presentation you provide a good title, description, and keywords, to improve your visibility and success.

Turn Your Presentation Into An Article

You already have all the content required for a good article, along with a sense of the story and tone with which you present, so it really takes very little effort to turn your presentation into a traditional article, using the slides as possible images for both your article and social media.

Bonus: Write a second version (or third, fourth, etc) that is slightly lighter than your full article, or that focuses on a specific angle of the presentation, to use for respected blogging platforms like LinkedIn, Medium, and even Facebook Notes.

9 Ways to Repurpose Your Presentation | SEJ

In all versions, link back to the full article and the presentation.

Use Your Presentation as a Newsletter

If you have taken the time to create a presentation, it is likely because you have something important to share and teach, so why not share it as a newsletter to all your subscribers?

So often newsletters are too promotional, so take this opportunity to provide something of value to your subscribers.

Create an Infographic From Your Presentation

A big part of creating an effective presentation is presenting concise thoughts and data, with the assistance of good visuals while maintaining a smooth flow that ties all elements of the presentation together.

All of these qualities also make for a good infographic, and since presentations are primarily created because there is a demand for the information, there is likely going to be a demand for an infographic created with the same information.

Visualize Your Presentation Into Social Media Images

We are constantly looking for visual content to share on our social media channels, especially in industries that do not have a lot of visual products and services.

So why not take the information and visuals you created for your presentation, to create social media images to share on your channels.

9 Ways to Repurpose Your Presentation | SEJ

Turn Your Presentation Into a Webinar

Webinars are powerful tools for educating and marketing. If people are willing to come and see you speak in person, there will be a lot of people who would attend a webinar for your presentation.

For example, after speaking at SEJ Summit in Dallas last year, we decided to take my presentation and make it into a webinar. Just make sure to cut what didn’t work in the original presentation and make it better.

Record Your Presentation

Either after you have completed presenting or during one of your practice runs, take the time to record yourself giving your presentation.

Not only can it help you improve on your presentation, but it gives you video content that can now be in your articles, on your site, uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube, and shared on your various social media channels.

Here is a recent Webinar, that was recorded and uploaded to Search Engine Journal’s YouTube account:

Use Your Recorded Presentation as a Podcast

Once you have recorded your presentation, it is quite easy to separate the audio track from the video, which can now be used as a podcast episode. Alternatively, you can use the same topic and discuss it with an industry thought leader.

Use Your Presentation to Start a Whitepaper

A lot of work has gone into your presentation, so why not take this time to expand on the concept, dive deeper in each area, and create a high-quality whitepaper on the topic.

In addition to now having a whitepaper to share with your customers and network, but you will also likely learn a lot more about the topic, improving future presentations.

Turn Your Presentation Into a Course

Online courses have continued to increase in popularity over the years, and one of the best ways to jump into providing an online course is to start with a presentation you spent a lot of time researching and preparing.

There are even a number of sites like Udemy or Skillshare, which allow you to create your courses and profit through revenue sharing each time your course is purchased.

At the end of the day, you spent a great deal of time and energy on your presentation, so it is worth it to expend a little extra effort and turn it into one (or more!) of the creatives above and get the most ROI for your energy, time, and expertise.

Did I miss any other creatives or opportunities? If so, do us a favor and please comment below.

Repurposing Your Event PresentationImage Credits

Featured Image: Image by Search Engine Journal
In-post Photo: Image by Pixel Road Designs. Used with permission.
All screenshots by Brent Csutoras. Taken March 2016.

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SEJ STAFF Brent Csutoras Managing Partner / Owner at Search Engine Journal

Brent Csutoras is the founder of OGS Media, co-founder of DirtyBoots, and Managing Partner at Search Engine Journal. He helps ...