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99 Designs Talks Importance of Content Marketing & Guest Blogging

Search Engine Journal's Murray Newlands interviews Jessica Hill from 99 Designs at Affiliate Summit East.

99 Designs Talks Importance of Content Marketing & Guest Blogging

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In an interview conducted at Affiliate Summit East 2013 in Philadelphia, Jessica Hill from 99 Designs discusses the impact that content marketing and guest blogging can have on your online business.

SEJ’s Murray Newlands began the interview by asking Jessica what’s currently trending in her mind, to which she responded quality content and customer service and support. Hear her take on content marketing and guest blogging in the video below:

Here are some key highlights from the video:

  • Jessica explains that reaching out to your customers and answering their questions with your content is much more beneficial than simply crafting short posts with the goal of including long-tail keywords to help your search ranking. She says that content should be viewed as a way to help your company out, because in the long run, that’s what Google is looking for—quality, informative, and shareable content.
  • Jessica also advocates for the use of authorship tools, such as Google Authorship to ensure you are getting your name out there and getting credit for the great content you’re creating.
  • Another piece of advice given by Jessica was to reach out to industry experts, people who have some notoriety and clout, to write guest posts that you can share on your site. “Expert advice is also very helpful,” she said.
  • Lastly, try to figure out what your customers want to read and approach your content creation from that perspective. Use polls, surveys, or tools like Google Trends to find out what people are interested at the moment and craft your content around those specific topics.

If you have any questions for either myself or 99 Designs, be sure to ask them in the comments section and we will do our best to respond to everyone! Please visit SEJ’s YouTube page for more video interviews from ASE and other events!

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Murray Newlands FRSA is an entrepreneur, investor, business advisor and speaker. Newlands is also an adviser to the Draper Nexus ...