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AbbreviationZ : Acronyms & Abbreviations Search Engine

AbbreviationZ is a directory / search engine of categorized acronyms and abbreviations which helps Internet users figure out what’s behind those niche abbreviations found in different business sectors.

During my experience as an advertising agency account representative, I was exposed to numerous acronyms & abbreviations from clients who would regularly use such industry jargon in their day to day lives.

The industries these clients represented ranged from Universities to Governments, PDA manufacturers to Office Supplies, Vinyl Siding to Plastic Surgery; so one can imagine the wide variety of abbreviations and acronyms spit out by clients in meetings which I was expected to understand.

In the search engine marketing world, understanding of such jargon can lead to some pinpoint keyword research exposure of terms which one may not have initially identified via traditional keyword research tools or methods.

AbbreviationZ says its mission is to:

AbbreviationZ answers those needs by supplying an extensive directory and a powerful search engine that provides comprehensive definition results for a specific term, grouped by categories. It also provides the ability to browse a list of terms that relates to a specific subject.

Here is a rundown of some useful categories at AbbreviationZ:

* Airport Codes

* Human Genome

* Military


Give AbbreviationZ a spin and feel free to post your thoughts on the directory in the comments field below.

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SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...