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Accelerated Mobile Pages or Apps? An Interview With Duane Forrester

Accelerated Mobile Pages or Apps? An Interview With Duane Forrester

At Pubcon 2016 in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to speak with Duane Forrester of Bruce Clay about the future of mobile web technology. Does it rest on Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) or Progressive Web Apps?

For that matter, what is a PWA? To stay educated about the present and future of the mobile web, please see the video below. You can also listen to the interview in podcast form here.

Here are some key takeaways from the video:

  • AMP is expanding well beyond its modest beginnings, which can be attributed partly to the fact that the team behind AMP is always working to make it better. Over the past year they’ve made it possible to embed ads, forms, create live-updating AMP pages, and more.
  • Just as people are getting on board with AMP technology, a promising new technology is emerging called Progressive Web Apps (PWA).
    • PWA’s are one existing web presence that is used everywhere; such as the company’s desktop site, mobile site, mobile app, and so on.
    • PWA’s are websites you can visit in any browser that function exactly as apps do. This could eventually eliminate the need for mobile apps if everything can be made as a PWA.
  • Like any new technology, it takes time for people to adopt it. There was once a point in time where XML sitemaps and robots.txt files were new concepts that webmasters had to get on board with, now you can’t imagine building a site any other way. Forrester believes AMP will end up evolving in a similar way.
  • Mobile/responsive websites are the old way of doing things, Forrester says. Now it’s time to move over to AMP, and then eventually to PWAs. You have to periodically redesign your website anyways, so you might as well do it using the latest technology.

Please visit SEJ’s YouTube page for more video interviews. For more information about Accelerated Mobile Pages, please see the following resources:


Featured Image: Screen shot taken by author. 

Category SEJ Show Mobile SEO
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