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AdMob Metrics Show Surge on Android Ad Impressions

AdMob Metrics Show Surge on Android Ad Impressions

Admob just released a new metrics showing a significant spike on ad impressions for Google Android. AdMob’s report was based on the ad requests received from AdMob network’s mobile sites and applications.

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Here are the higlights of AdMob’s latest metrics:

  • 97% increase in worldwide requests from Android devices, totalling to 1 billion ad request between October-December
  • 98% of the ad requests came from HTC devices in October, 56% in December from HTC devices and 30% from Motorola DROID.
  • Among the Android devices that generated more than 3% of ad requests are Motorola DROID, HTC Dream, HTC Magic, HTC Hero, Motorola CLIQ, HTC Droid, HTC Dream, HTC Magic and HTC Hero.
  • Motorola DROID received 30% ad requests in December making it the number one Adroid handset in terms of ad requests.

Interestingly, these data have to come in just in time for Google’s announcement of the Nexus Phone. And even more interesting is the fact that AdMob is already owned by Google. So,  it is most likely that the metrics has a little bias over the Android than other mobile phone OS.

Will the Nexus One phone add spike to Android’s current achievement in terms of ad request?

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...