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American Blog Raises $5,000 in 2 Hours for Wounded US Soldier

American Blog Raises $5,000 in 2 Hours for Wounded US Soldier

In the feel good story of the day, AmericanBlog.com decided that it would help out 1st. Lt. William Eddie Rebrook who was wounded in Iraq by a roadside bomb. When a field medic tied a tourniquet to Mr. Rebrook’s right arm to stop the bleeding from shrapnel wounds, his remaining body armor was removed by soldiers who were helping and then lost.

Last week US War Hero Rebrook, who graduated with honors from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y, was forced to pay $700 to the US Government for that body armor, blown up by a roadside bomb more than a year ago.

When leaving active duty because of his injuries, Rebrook was informed there was no record that the body armor had been stripped from him in battle.

AmericanBlog.com set up a special PayPal donation fund for Rebrook, where all of themoney collected would go the soldier who was forced to pay for his armor. John @ AmericanBlog wrote : “and if we get more than $700, I’ll give him that as well to help him get back on his feet (he’s now unemployed, and he says he knows other soldiers who have faced the same problem, if he wants, he can reimburse his pals who also had to pay for their armor).

An overwhelming response by readers brought in $5,000 in less than 2 hours to help Mr. Rebrook and his friends.

AmericanBlog added “Wow, you guys were amazing. In just two hours, we raised over $5,000, with over 180 donations ranging from $1 to $400 (average donation was around $20, so this really was a community effort).

Here’s to hoping that some day we won’t need virtual body armor bake sales to help provide for our service members in Iraq.“

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