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Android is Now the Fastest Growing Mobile Apps Market

Android is Now the Fastest Growing Mobile Apps Market

Although its current catalog of mobile apps is way too far behind the number of apps in the iTunes Apps Store,  still Google’s Android Marketplace is steadily growing. In fact, it may now be considered as the fastest growing mobile apps stores.

Recent data from the AndroidLib.com shows that around 9,331 new mobile apps were added to the Android Market in March 2010.  This figure is yet the biggest number of apps added to the Android App store on a monthly basis. In December 2009 the number of new apps added were recorded at around 3,807. Then in January 2010, these number increased to 5,532.

The current number of apps in the Android Market is 27,243.  Comparing this with the apps in the iTunes Apps Store of around 160,000 apps, you’d see that the Android Market still has a long way to go before it comes at par with the iTunes App Store.

Now, here’s the thing.  Will there be more new iPhone apps that will be developed now that the iPad App Store is already available?  Third party developers might shift to making iPad apps instead. And this will surely affect the number of new iPhone apps that will be developed.

One thing is for sure, the Android Market will continue to grow for as long as there will be more Android phones that will become available. And at the rate that this growth is happening, the Android Market may indeed give the iPhone App Store a run for its money.

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...