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Another Google Chrome OS Screenshot Shows Up, This Time it’s Ugly

Another Google Chrome OS Screenshot Shows Up, This Time it’s Ugly

When Google announced about its Chrome-based OS sometime in July and yet the anticipation it has built was so much that many tried to fool around and came out with “alleged” screenshot of how the actual OS looks like. But none of them were officially acknowledge by Google. So, we continue to speculate and laud at more screenshots including the latest reported by Techcrunch.googlechromeos

You don’t have to take a closer look to see what’s wrong with the screenshot. Anyone with a clear eye would immediately notice the big icons which are docked on the left side of the screen. When we say big, we mean really big that it looks ugly. I know Google is not the best when it comes to interface design as it tries to be as simple as possible for most of the time. But you can achieve that simplicity without being ugly.

Anyway there are other reasons why the screenshot may not be true after all as it conflicts with some of the Google products which are represented by the big icons. For instance why would YouTube not be one of those icons considering that it is more visited and more used than Picasa Web Albums?

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Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...