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AOL Eyes New Search Deal with Google, Others

With its current search deal with Google set to expire, AOL is now looking for possible renewal of its deal with Google or possibly a new search deal with other interested search engine providers. AOL CEO Tim Armstrong said during the All Things D event that AOL has been evaluating what it needs out of the next search deal that it will enter into. Aside from Google, AOL is also eyeing a possible search deal with Microsoft.

Mr. Armstrong admits that turning AOL around would be quite tough especially considering its current condition. But he believes that with the right search deal, AOL would be able to rise from the slump where it is right now.

AOL still sees a lot of value in the AOL brand despite how people see it as on the decline.  But first, AOL must take a closer look into changing its culture emphasizing the fact that its current employees may be slacking a bit on their current position.

So, will AOL be able to grab a new search deal with Google or Microsoft? Which company would be most likely to bring AOL back up to its feet?

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...