Bloglines Could Be Ask Jeeves’ My Yahoo
Bloglines Could Be Ask Jeeves’ My Yahoo Bloglines, acquired by Ask Jeeves roughly a fortnight before it was itself acquired by IAC, is doing some...
Greg Sterling is a leading authority on local digital marketing, location intelligence and the SMB market. He was the VP of Market Insights for Uberall and VP of strategy for LSA (now Localogy). He’s a co-founder of Near Media and Dialog, focused on the intersection of AI and local.
Bloglines Could Be Ask Jeeves’ My Yahoo Bloglines, acquired by Ask Jeeves roughly a fortnight before it was itself acquired by IAC, is doing some...
Yahoo! 360, Social Networking and Viral Marketing Yahoo! 360 formally launched earlier this week—and everyone I try and invite has already been invited! That may...
Google 10-K: ‘We’re a Media Company’ and Other Tidbits Google finally declared in its SEC 10-K filing that it was indeed a media company. “We...
Meta vs. Vertical Search Engines LookSmart announced the launch of five consumer-facing vertical content sites that will serve up LookSmart advertisers. They are: for...
Google Urchin Buy a Response to MSN AdCenter? No doubt Google’s acquisition of Urchin Software (rumoured by Battelle to be worth $30 million) was in...
Indeed Follows oodle Launch in Jobs Search Arena formally launches on the same day as oodle, offering meta-search for Jobs. Here’s the announcement. Indeed...
oodle: Google for Classifieds Call it a search engine for classifieds. Started by a couple of the original folks at excite, oodle aims to be...
MSN Search Pays $150 Million for 1.4 Percent of Market Share According to data released by Nielsen//NetRatings, as reported in AdWeek, MSN’s new broad consumer...
Real Estate Vertical Offers Simplified Search Marketing Following in the footsteps of other “small business aggregators,” (e.g., Yellow Pages publishers, Web hosts, Newspapers) real estate...
Ask Jeeves, IAC – More Deals on the Way? John Battelle has some interesting speculation about the role of Ask Jeeves in IAC post acquisition....
Pinpoint Travel: If It Works, They Win Going to write more about this in TKG’s Local Media Journal. AOL beta launched a new metasearch travel...
InterActiveCorp Buying Ask Jeeves for $1.9 Billion The New York Times is reporting that Ask Jeeves is to be acquired by IAC for the equivalent...
MSN adCenter Joins Yahoo and Google in Search Advertising Lots and lots of stories were written about MSN’s promised adCenter PPC platform launch. Danny Sullivan’s...
Yahoo! 360: Community Key to Ratings/Reviews Yesterday, after apparent leaks to the press, Yahoo! decided to announce its rumored blogging/social networking service (to launch at...