Google Local Business Center Enhancements
As I was driving all over “God’s creation” today, from meeting to meeting, there were a number of interesting developments and announcements. The first concerned...
Greg Sterling is a leading authority on local digital marketing, location intelligence and the SMB market. He was the VP of Market Insights for Uberall and VP of strategy for LSA (now Localogy). He’s a co-founder of Near Media and Dialog, focused on the intersection of AI and local.
As I was driving all over “God’s creation” today, from meeting to meeting, there were a number of interesting developments and announcements. The first concerned...
Never a dull moment in local these days as I learn of new sites almost daily. I spoke this morning with Ben Saren, CEO of...
Here’s a detailed post (widely picked up) by Simeon Simeonov about Google developing a mobile phone. Here’s the reported strategy: Apparently, Google is planning to...
Netscape is synonymous in my mind with missed opportunity. After AOL bought the company it totally neglected it and IE ate all its remaining market...
VentureBeat reports that Citysearch/IAC is the mystery buyer of InsiderPages — purchase price not disclosed. I would guess it wasn’t more than 2x what the...
TechCrunch is reporting that voice services and automated directory assistance (DA) provider TellMe, which I’ve written about several times recently, is being acquired by Microsoft....
The NY Times reports (via LostRemote) on how Google is boosting video content syndication from major media partners like Dow Jones: Google is working with...
I had the honor of being a panelist for the 2nd (now) Annual Yahoo! Searchlight Awards. Also on the panel were Brad Berens, iMedia Communications,...
Here’s a nice overview piece — together with the requisite “who will win?” dramatic elements — from BusinessWeek, covering mobile search: The emergence of Internet-connected...
The question on many people’s minds since the recent PR warfare between Google/YouTube and Viacom (and NBC) is: will YouTube retain its dominance or will...
Earlier this year, in January, the WSJ (sub req’d) speculated that Googlewas acquiring Adscape Media, which inserts ads into video game. The company launched in...
So says the new SEMPO “State of Search Engine Marketing 2006? report as summarized in MediaPost today: SEMPO also found that marketers who migrate budgets...
Chad and Steve (and their investors) have to be glad they don’t own YouTube anymore. After failing to reach an agreement (apparently) with Viacom, YouTube...
SuperPages has had user reviews for some time. Today it announced “Reviewer of the Week,” a competition seeking to drive more engagement and more reviews....
Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Land points to a Google Blog posting that announces Google will be displaying local results with reviews and links to...
Who knows what’s going to happen to the Tribune Company (as it tries to sell itself). But for the time being it has taken a...
SimplyHired (and its competitors Indeed, among a couple others like Oodle) promise to take the pain and inefficiency out of searching for a job by...
Here’s the partial release text (full text here): SUNNYVALE, Calif. – January 23, 2007 – Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO) today reported results for the fourth...
From Reuters and the AdSense blog: Over the next few weeks we’ll be testing AdSense video distribution and sponsorship with a small group of publishers....
ClickZ and Bill Slawski discuss Google patent filings related to local kioks and billboards (at malls). From the ClickZ article: Google said the system would...
comScore is putting out two reports on cell phone usage and attitudes in the US. Here’s the press release. I’ve written up the top-level findings...
So-called vertical search is all the rage. Why? Partly because “horizontal” (general) search has limitations and partly because it’s almost impossible to get VCs to...
The NY Times’ Bob Tedeschi writes about an emerging category of sites forming a kind of “virtual town square,” so-called hyperlocal content sites (awkward term)...
For the past couple of years I have been preaching the gospel of user-generated content and reviews. I often encountered considerable skepticism from former colleagues...
The rumors were true. Here’s the news. Here’s the WSJ (sub req’d) article. From ComputerWorld: The entire front of the quadband GSM phone serves as...
This happened late this past week and it’s already been widely reported but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Yahoo!’s new quicker, more open...
Rich Skrenta, the co-founder & CEO of Topix, has declared Google the winner of search and online advertising in a very provocative post. Here are...
One of the persistent complaints for the last year or so about Google is that it’s too powerful now — owning 45% to 60%+ of...
Even as search becomes all-but-synonymous with the Internet for many users, there’s a paradoxical and growing sense that it’s failing. We have incredibly high expectations...
Some of you may have seen a couple of “off color” videos widely circulating on the Internet from the NBC TV show Saturday Night Live...