: Small Business Portals Heating Up Again : Small Business Portals Heating Up Again Back when I was part of the founding editorial team at, now about seven years ago...
Greg Sterling is a leading authority on local digital marketing, location intelligence and the SMB market. He was the VP of Market Insights for Uberall and VP of strategy for LSA (now Localogy). He’s a co-founder of Near Media and Dialog, focused on the intersection of AI and local. : Small Business Portals Heating Up Again Back when I was part of the founding editorial team at, now about seven years ago... & SuperPages Top IYP’s in Local Search and SuperPages put out dueling press releases yesterday about their success and innovations. Here’s’s release...
Smalltown : Local Search with Flash Smalltown, a new local-search destination with a snappy, flash-based interface announced that it had received $3 million in funding...
Google YouTube Conference Call Here are some random snippets from the call (comments not in order). These are very close to verbatim quotes: Google CEO...
Google Wins Keyword Trademark Ruling Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Watch posts on a legal victory for Google (I totally missed it) that basically allows...
Amazon’s A9 Search Drops Block View & Yellow Pages Amazon-owned A9 never had much consumer usage but it was one of the most innovative and...
What Exactly is Web 2.0? What is Web 2.0? This is a discussion that now may seem tired – and was vigorously kicked around months...
Domains, Branding & Web 2.0 If you’re a traditional (offline) company you can create a domain name that doesn’t identically match your company name. For...
Wallop Social Network (Microsoft Spin-Off) Launches Wallop has been waiting a long time to get going. Finally it has launched in beta (or limited beta)....
Microsoft’s Digital Advertising Solutions At Advertising Week this week, Miscrosoft is announcing the launch of “Digital Advertising Solutions†and a media campaign to go with...
Soapbox Video : MSNTube MSN is making its bid to get in on the YouTube phenomenon with its new “Soapbox Video.” The product launches in...
Yahoo Mail : The New MyYahoo I’ve long thought that MyYahoo! was a strategic product that wasn’t being fully leveraged by Yahoo! — a kind...
MapQuest Audio Directions on Sprint-Nextel Network Like InfoSpace, MapQuest is also launching voice (text to speech) turn-by-turn directions on the Sprint-Nextel network. Here’s today’s MapQuest...
Windows Live Search Replacing MSN Search By Thursday, MSN Search will be no more. Windows Live Search will replace it around the globe. Microsoft is...
Search Engine Market Data from Enquisite Traffic is controversial. With so much riding on market share and momentum, web traffic has become highly politicized. One...
Smart Phones & Mobile Local (Mo-Lo) Search The WSJ (sub req’d) reports that Palm announced it wouldn’t hit its numbers “amid lower-than-expected retail sales of...
Google Mobile AdWords Launching Barry Schwartz at SEW reports on Google launching mobile ads in the US, UK and Germany (this was previously tested in...
Google News Archive Boosts News Partnerships Chris Sherman in his Search Day article has a good general overview of the new Google News Archive search,...
Search Engine Strategies Local in Denver I like to shake people up these days by saying that “most of what’s actually going on online is...
YouTube Video & Usage Facts There’s an interesting article in the WSJ (sub req’d) on YouTube, with some data and metrics, by Lee Gomes today:...
Google & eBay Partner for ‘Click to Call’ The WSJ (sub req’d) and NY Times (reg. req’d) are reporting this morning on a deal in...
Google Checkout & Customer Ownership Brian Smith at ComparisonEngines has an interesting post (citing research from Piper Jaffray’s Safa Rashtchy) on retailer fear surrounding Google’s...
Yahoo Growth Confirmed by Hitwise & Nielsen Again we’re talking a fraction of a point, but according to a write up today in MediaPost (reg....
Yahoo Gains Search Market Share As Google Dips One Percent It will need to be verified by at least one of the other traffic trackers,...
Google’s Eric Schmidt at SES From The Search Perch Because the interview with Eric Schmidt ran long there wasn’t much time to ask questions (especially...
Google Syndicating Viacom MTV Video With Google Video Ads Google will syndicate and distribute Viacom-produced content (MTV music videos and various shows) to third party...
More on the Google News – AP Content Deal Here are more details from Reuters: “It’s a licensing agreement that lets us use original AP...
iPointer Mobile ‘Point and Search’ Technology Shortly after I started writing about “point and search” technology from GeoVector, I was contacted by Jerry King the...
No SEO Without SEM, And Vice Versa Today’s MediaPost (reg. req’d) reports on new data from SEM firm 360i, which essentially points out the complex...
AOL Launching ‘On Demand’ Video Portal As is being widely reported, AOL plans to launch a comprehensive video entertainment destination later this week. Here’s the...