MSN AdCenter Targets Google AdWords & Yahoo Search Marketing
MSN AdCenter Targets Google AdWords & Yahoo Search Marketing Microsoft’s AdCenter is scheduled to formally launch today. Its chief selling feature, AdCenter promises to offer...
Greg Sterling is a leading authority on local digital marketing, location intelligence and the SMB market. He was the VP of Market Insights for Uberall and VP of strategy for LSA (now Localogy). He’s a co-founder of Near Media and Dialog, focused on the intersection of AI and local.
MSN AdCenter Targets Google AdWords & Yahoo Search Marketing Microsoft’s AdCenter is scheduled to formally launch today. Its chief selling feature, AdCenter promises to offer...
Sphere, Local & Problems with Blog Search As you remember from where we last left our story, the number of blogs was doubling every six...
Yahoo Tech Channel Taking on CNET Some time ago, Yahoo! hired away Patrick Houston from CNET to launch a CNET-like consumer technology/electronics vertical. Here it...
Washington Post’s Express Classifieds Launch After a week or so delay, the full online edition of the Washington Post’s Express (its free metro daily intended...
Google Maps Details Europe Google Maps has upgraded its European maps and driving directions (per SEW and Google Blogoscoped). Side by side on a query...
MySpace: Next Generation Yellow Pages? There’s yet another in a series of almost daily articles on MySpace in the NY Times today. The piece reviews...
‘Local’ Search on Microsoft Search the word “Local” on MSFT’s and what do you get? 1. 2. . . . In...
Google Social Calendar Matt Booth, who took over my job at The Kelsey Group, points to a post at Google Blogoscoped, which has a list...
Google Q1 Results: $2.25 Billion in Revenues Google net profit jumped 60% on revenues of $2.25 billion. From the IR release: Revenues – Google reported...
Click Fraud Lower on Major Search Engines Shows CF Index CNET reporter Elinor Mills posts about a new Click Fraud Index, which reflects relatively low...
Technorati Says Blogosphere Doubles Every 6 Months David Sifry, founder & CEO of Technorati, has a post that details the remarkable growth of blogs. He...
Yahoo Q1 Earnings: Revenues Up, Profit Down According to the WSJ (sub. req’d), Yahoo!’s net income declined 22%, while revenues were up 34%: Yahoo, based...
Business Week on Local Search This BusinessWeek Article has been around for awhile apparently, but I just stumbled upon it (although I was interviewed for...
Dabble Launches & Online Video Viewing Behavior Study In a bid to become the Flickr of video (which is also what YouTube is going for),...
Washington Post & Oodle : Aggregated DC Classifieds Marketplace The Washington Post has been doing some very interesting things online lately. And today, it has...
Yahoo! Maps Adds Satellite & Aerial Photography After some careful watching and waiting, Yahoo! has decided to match Google and Microsoft/Windows Live Local, adding satellite...
Google Toolbar Turning Homepage into Google’s My Yahoo The Google (RSS) Reader, which I like, has met with mixed reviews and limited adoption (so far)....
Yahoo MyWeb Improvements Yahoo!’s MyWeb is a terrific tool for saving and sharing content that was not as useful for groups as it might be....
YouTube a Yahoo Takeover Target? CNET reports on video site phenomenon YouTube getting $8 million in new VC funding. Dare I say it: YouTube is...
Google Adding Graphical Ads to Maps A few weeks ago at SES, Google told me they were going to be allowing advertisers to add logos...
Loki Local Search Toolbar from Skyhook Wireless If you want to see something pretty cool, go to and download Shyhook Wireless’ new Local Search...
Lawsuit Asks Google to Reveal Algorithm U.K.-based, a “search engine” for parents of young children, has sued Google on the basis that its organic...
Yahoo! Local News Following the footsteps of Topix . . . Yahoo! Launches a Local News Beta. Here’s an example of San Francisco; here’s New...
$100 Laptop + Writely + GDrive = Google’s Future? Ever since it was announced, I have been fascinated by the potential appeal of the $100...
AOL Streaming Vintage TV Shows AOL begins streaming free full episodes of “vintage” or “classic” (some might say euphemisms for old) TV shows here. Like...
Google SketchUp & The Mapping Space Race Om Malik reports on Google’s acquisition of 3-D rendering company @Last Software, which owns SketchUp. He also asks...
MySpace & Terrorists : PR Keeps Getting Worse If you’re too successful then the media starts looking closely to find your warts. MySpace joins a...
Google’s $90 Million Click Fraud Settlement Google has apparently agreed to pay the equivialent of $90 million (Yikes!) to settle a click fraud class action....
Microsoft Live’s Search & Browser Experience Microsoft is busy rolling out a flurry of search-related upgrades. A dizzying array of tools and features are coming...
New AT&T and ‘Net Neutrality’ Some have speculated that AT&T in its new, hypothetical post-acquisition position as the nation’s dominant broadband provider might be tempted...