Google Base’s New Interface
Google Base’s New Interface I’m feeling very rusty after being off for a week—a veritable enternity in “Internet time.” But I wanted to comment briefly...
Greg Sterling is a leading authority on local digital marketing, location intelligence and the SMB market. He was the VP of Market Insights for Uberall and VP of strategy for LSA (now Localogy). He’s a co-founder of Near Media and Dialog, focused on the intersection of AI and local.
Google Base’s New Interface I’m feeling very rusty after being off for a week—a veritable enternity in “Internet time.” But I wanted to comment briefly...
Google Buying 5% of AOL for $1 Billion In something of a surprise, Google is set to buy 5% of America Online from Time Warner...
Google GMail Mobile and New Features One day there may be an official phobia related to fear of email in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual...
Google Music Search & Google’s Vertical Push Google is introducing a new music feature according to Reuters and SEW. When users search for, say Madonna...
Tempe Arizona, Another Municipality, Goes Wi-Fi As recently as this spring (or summer if you consult the Pew report), there were skeptics arguing that broadband...
Ingenio Increases Pay Per Call Distribution Network PPCall provider Ingenio is adding both InfoSpace and, in a more limited deal, 1-800-FREE411 to its distribution network....
Google Preferred by ‘Sophisticated’ Searchers Earlier this week John Battelle made reference to a search-engine usage survey conducted by investment firm SG Cowen & Co....
What Do Google and Craigslist Have in Common? While we were away at ILM:05 there was an interesting thread on John Battelle’s blog regarding MySpace...
Local News Sites and Search Threaten Newspapers MediaPost (reg req’d) writes about a new Borrell report about the potential rise of “independent local sites” as...
Craigslist the King of Classifieds While Craig Newmark would undoubtedly bristle at that characterization, the network of sites that bears his name is the undisputed...
TiVo to Permit Commercial Ad Searching (Not Just Skipping) Here’s another movement in the transformation of TV (from reach to targeting) . . . per...
Windows Live Classifieds Coming Soon Everyone has been speculating about whether Google Base is Google’s entry into online classifieds. I have argued that it’s about...
Google’s Froogle Local Merchant Search I got a release of sorts from Google this a.m. explaining in more detail the offline/local product data that Froogle...
Local Search Engines : Digging Deeper In addition to the data jointly put out by Pew and comScore about the rise of search are data...
Search Engines Gain in Daily Usage Search continues to show big gains among US users. comScore data comparing September 2004 to September 2005 showed that...
Google Base All About Local There are a bunch of people out there who believe The Kelsey Group overhypes local. And that’s certainly the lens...
TrueLocal Local Search Engine Goes Live TrueLocal is a consumer-facing local search engine that has been operating “under the radar” (except for appearances at SES)...
Enter the Yahoo Shoposphere Building on its “social search” template, Yahoo! has revamped shopping and added in a range of new personalization and community features....
Amazon Patents Consumer Reviews? Absurd! I was never a patent attorney, but I think that the USPTO is going too far in granting certain “business...
Google Maps & Local on Phones Preparing for a day when there is meaningful usage of wireless devices as local search tools, Google has launched...
Yahoo & Google : Man vs. Machine Here’s an interesting article from Sunday’s NY Times about Yahoo! and its long term search strategy. I was...
Local Matters Acquires AreaGuides Local content aggregator and affiliate network has been acquired by Denver-based Local Matters. This is the first consumer-facing property in...
Google the Agency, Google the Network Here’s a fairly comprehensive piece from the NY Times’ Saul Hansell, reviewing Google’s model, history and speculating about its...
LookSmart Goes Deep Vertical In a very interesting bid to revive its fortunes and its consumer brand, LookSmart has launched 160 vertical sites on everything...
AT&T-Yahoo! DSL? Here’s a piece in the NYTimes that says SBC will take the venerable name AT&T once the acquisition is approved. One response: Will...
Internet Advertising On Local Sites Increases Deutsche Bank conducted a survey of 87 media executives in conjunction with MediaPost about their clients’ third-quarter media spending....
Craigslist Blocking Oodle : Destination vs.Aggregation Craigslist has been the proverbial poster child for friendliness, openness and online cooperation. However, as John Battelle reported, Craigslist...
Inform – News Aggregation Supersite Launches Today next-generation news aggregation site Inform unveiled itself. I spoke to CEO Neal Goldman a couple of weeks ago...
Yahoo Adds Blogs to News Search Here’s Yahoo!’s new and improved news search with a dash of blog search. (This is probably not a full-blown...
MSN AdCenter Wants Small and Medium Businesses for Beta This was posted on MSN’s Search Blog: As you know, we launched MSN adCenter –our next...