Julie McCormick

Julie McCormick

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Imagine conducting an image search whereby the search engine uses features from an image to retrieve similar images. If you thought to yourself “That’s already...

  • 3 min read
  • 2.7K Reads

GeoCities web hosting has been around since the very early days of the internet and while it’s not widely used anymore, it’s name still arouses...

  • 2 min read
  • 610 Reads

If you’ve ever used Google Maps on your iPhone or other mobile device, you’re probably familiar with My Location already.  For those that aren’t, when...

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  • 6.3K Reads

Yesterday Twitter sneakily unveiled a new user interface for both the “followers” and “following”.  While I personally believe that their efforts could have been better...

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  • 1.2K Reads

BlackHat SEO has a reputation, and it’s usually not a good one. Those who practice so-called “blackhat” SEO techniques are often branded as social outcasts,...

  • 4 min read
  • 1.8K Reads